scandals and controversies over allegation of bribery and overpricing overshadow the good intent of a national broadband network (NBN) project
It is so disheartening that scandals and controversies over allegation of bribery and overpricing have overshadowed the good intent of the national broadband network (NBN) project. I believe that a government should have its own broadband network, not to compete with the private sector, but to serve as prime user and leader in using the information and communications technology (ICT) in the daily operation of public administration. No country in this modern time of ours has ever achieved an accelerated progress without e-government, that is, the use of ICT like the computers, internet, wi-fi, wimax, network and so on in an integrated and collaborative manner. Our country was one of the very first in Asia to pass a legal framework, the E-commerce Act, for the promotion of ICT not just in the private but the government as well. But now, we find ourselves in the tailend. ICT is the primary tool that modern countries use to reengineer their government. We complain why rebels have more powerful weapons, and our soldiers are left with oudated armaments. We do the same to our government, if we dont believe and trust that it should have the best tools in its disposal to run its operation to serve the public better.
We complain why our government agencies are not as fast and efficient compared to other countries, like south korea or taiwan, where quality of public is at par with the private sector. we are surprised at the rising economies of THailand, Malaysia, and i am afraid Vietnam will sook take over us. Simply because they are very aggressive in making sure that their governments have the same technologies the private sector has. The use of ICT in public sector is a huge and risky investment, but has been proven to affect national progress and development. I only pray that once the dust settles, and the culprits in the alleged bribery and overpricing, our public officials, including our senators, will find time to buckle down and work on how this broadband network can really help us achieve the same status as the other countries that have benefitted from them.
We need this NBN, the ICT in general for the public sector, if we wish to see our country to progress and become a first world economy in our lifetime. It doesnt matter from whose idea or from what administration this will finally take off - Cory, FVR, Erap, GMA or possible future head of our country, the likes of VIllar and Roxas - the thing is, we need to implement a project as broad and ambitious as the NBN for our government, for the sake of our country and the future generations.