EDSA: Not people power, but God at work in our modern times
As i read the editorial of Inquirer, i cant help but realized how so much importance, we as a people, give the credit of Edsa to us. TO the people, the leaders, the military, former Cardinal Sin and Cory Aquino. and we are even afraid to say the occurence of miracle during Edsa, which had been the precursor to similar peaceful revolutions around the world. I believe, that the credit of Edsa, first and formost, goes to God alone. not the people, nor the many important figures present then. all peaceful revolutions of the modern age, as exemplified by Edsa, was a clear work of God using the entire mass according to His will. we should always remember to give the credit to whom it is due, God.
proof that it was alone God who willed Edsa, many similar attempts to bring down a government, with all the prominent figures present (name all you know), has failed, and will continue to fail. Proof again, we manipulated the Edsa 2, and what comes after that, restlessness, and never-ending attempt to bring down our government thru "people power". if there was anyone who benefitted most from the Edsa 2, i think it was Erap. He was relieved from all the responsibilities of being a president, which i personally believe he assumed with all ill and immorality too. For all we know, Nene Pimentel has always been on his side, and saved his neck and a_s from all the trouble he had been going thru then.
Edsa should be a moment remembered as a day in our modern time when God clearly and actively has shown how He works, that even warring parties and different minds, united and worked together for a common cause. that is how God works. i wish i know more how He does things, but Edsa keeps me in awe believing that God has chosen the Filipinos to show how He can powerfully work all things according to His will, during our times.