anime fair in tokyo, mourning in rome

I was more than excited to see the anime fair, than any of the temples and shopping stores here in Tokyo.
That was saturday, and we almost failed to see this annual international event because we still didnt have a camera (until now :<) , and we would not want to spend that much for the fair and entrance fee, and would not be even able to capture in photo the wonderful images we were expecting to see in the fair.
that day, i really had a great time.
but that night, i was crying teriblly. as in, i was sobbing it felt so heavy i just told my bedmate i was missing my parents, to make sense out of it. i always feel lonely everytime i thought of my aging parents.
but really, i didnt know then why i was crying. it just felt so heavy in my heart i could hardly breath. i didnt know where the sadness was coming from.
....i had no idea what was going on around the world, beyond tokyo, because at that time we still didnt have our internet, much more, we have no tv or radio or any english newspaper
i was so unaware during those very critical time for jp2's life
i only learnd about it the monday that folowed when we went to a friend's place who had internet. it was my bedmate who blurted out the news.
the pope was dead. i didnt know how to react and what to say. my bedmate knows my high admiration and deep affection to the dear pope, (but not ditto) and i was around friends who didnt know that.
i had to browse the internet to catch up with what had been going on, and i suddenly remembered how i cried hard that saturday night.
i dont know whether those times were before or during or just hour after he died, but it gave me a relief that even unknown to me, i had already grieved and mourned his passing away.
i was still very sad and close to tears while reading about the events on the pope's death but jus kept it to myself. i know he is much better now that he is with the Father. the pope has done his part doing God's will. it really is time for him to go.
though i know he died with a sad heart seeing the fall of europe in the enemy's hand. i know he trembled when he witnesed the european union erased God from its constitution. the pope failed in his bid to include God and the christian values, but it is not his fault. these things are meant to happen.
the task to battle the enemy has always been in our hands, of every Christian.
anime was fun.
but the memories of the pope will always remain in. he was like a very close grandfather to me, though i only saw him once, some ten feet away in his popemobile during the world youth day in the Philippines
but his guidance, as a spritual leader, are far more intimate than any priest or pastor i've ever met
bye lolo (grandfather). indeed, i will terribly miss you...====
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